When it comes to negotiating, skilled, well-researched tactics are essential. It is a crucial part of winning any negotiation to know and understand how far the other party is willing to cooperate. You would think with all the people that work for President Obama someone would have told him that there is no way that a few visa restrictions would stop President Putin from taking control of Crimea and Ukraine. Putin wants power and power is what he has.
When examining their negotiation styles, it can be seen that Putin has adopted a forcing and competing style and Obama an accommodating style. Which do you think is better? I personally think there needs to be some collaborating going on, before things get worst!
The clip below shows Obama’s full statement.
"Vladimir Putin’s argument that Russia must protect Russian speakers in Crimea has echoes of Hitler’s tactics in the 1930s.”
-Hilary Clinton, the former US secretary of state and likely 2016 presidential candidate
Image: Ukraine protest's against Russia's invasion
Hilary Clinton's statement show's the extreme power that Putin has. He has set out to take control of Crimea, he has used strong propaganda to gain the power of the people in Russia. The Russians are united, they are fuming and
they know that they have the military strength to defend their country and
their people. It is pretty much a done deal that Putin has taken over Crimea. The question remains how much of Ukraine will he take?
The US and EU will have to be brave and courageous if they really are willing to protect Ukraine. The US has said that using military action is not something they are prepared to do. However, I think that a credible commitment to support the Ukrainian government in case of military confrontation inside Ukraine is definitely needed.
The US and EU will have to be brave and courageous if they really are willing to protect Ukraine. The US has said that using military action is not something they are prepared to do. However, I think that a credible commitment to support the Ukrainian government in case of military confrontation inside Ukraine is definitely needed.
There needs to be a united front from the US and EU. What Russia is doing is unprecedented in the 21st
century, the US and EU should not stand for it. Russians respect strength and
consistency, neither of which has been displayed by Obama or his European
counterparts. The US need step up their negotiations and rise from being the accommodating type.
What is your view?
Should the US and EU be doing more to protect Ukraine? Is there any way you
think Obama could improve on his negotiation skills? Are there any particular negotiations you have been successful in getting the desired WIN-WIN?
I am afraid the West (US + EU) is “loosing its face” by not acting proactively. For example, all foreign assets of all members of Duma (the Russian parliament) could be already frozen (as an answer to the fact they voted without a dissentient voice for allowing Putin enter military forces into a sovereign country in nuclear era).
ReplyDeleteHello Vladislav, thank you for your comment. I agree with you in that the West are not showing enough power against Putin which has in turn allowed him to get away with having his army in Crimea and Russia. Putin's comment that he is "protecting" his people seems invalid to me as the Russians have always been fine in Crimea under Ukraine's government. Putin is just looking for more power and the West know that what he is doing is wrong but are not prepared to fight for the right thing because they are scared for what they might lose. What is your view on the Crimean referendum?