
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Putting the Public Back into Public Relations

Yesterday, my fellow PR student's and I wrote an E-book in a day on 'Peer2Peer' PR.  This movement creates an innovation for PR using social media to engage key stakeholders of PR reaching PR agencies, CIPR professionals, Southampton Solent PR degree alumni and all other fellow PR lovers. Not to mention CIPR President Stephen Waddington, who was present and contributed in the writing of the book. Have a read of Stephen Waddington's blog to see what he had to say about the day. 
So this is how the day went. We started the day at 9am with enough snacks to feed a small army.  

Tip #1 for writing an E-book in a day: BRING SNACKS
Tip #2 never underestimate the power of the SELFIE

The book was split into eight sections and the section I was working on was: Co-Creation.
This involved collaborating with PR professionals and PR students to find out what they thought the #perfectintern or #perfectinternship was. We used social media platform twitter to get people to tweet in their opinions between 12 and 1. The response was great, we totalled 42 responses in 1 hour. 
Here are a few examples of what people tweeted in: 

             "The perfect intern should be full of fresh ideas and be media savvy"

  "The perfect intern should be proactive, motivated, interested, interesting. Show                                  your initiative and it will be rewarded!"

"The perfect internship has a mentor who the intern feels comfortable talking with about what their enjoying/need support with"

Here is a sneak peak of my contribution to the E-book:

The concept of co-creation is to create value, it is a collaborative exchange of conversation (Tussyadiah and Zach, 2014) and where better than to create conversation than social media. Social platform’s are key enablers (Lewis and Pea et al., 2014) that bring people together. Co-creation can ultimately drive business growth and enhance brand reputation (Glassman, 2014). Social media was effective in engaging with PR professionals and PR students to collect meaningful insights into what the perfect intern or internship was, it successfully reached a range of people and asked them a question which received instant feedback. 

What are your views on co-creation and social media?

Glassman, N. 2014. How Co-Creation Can Spark Innovation and Build Your Brand [CONVO] | Social Media Today. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Mar 2014].
Lewis, S., Pea, R. and Rosen, J. 2014. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Mar 2014].
Tussyadiah, L. and Zach, F. 2014. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Mar 2014].

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Nikita. Great blog about #ebookinaday. It was a fantastic project. Keep posting. Good luck!
